Dear Everyone;
If you don't own a copy of - For A New Liberty:The Libertarian Manifesto by Murray Rothbard - the von Mises Institute is now issuing a new hardbound copy of Rothbard's seminal work on Libertarianism for $27.00.
If the only book you read on Libertarianism is this one you can't go wrong. This url is for an article reoprting on the results of one person who used the book as a recruiting tool after he first read it:
If you know of someone who wants to know what Libertarianism is all about steer them to the von Mises site or if they are a good friend buy them a copy as a gift.
Paperback copies are difficult to find as the work has been out of print for some time. And even used good paperbacks have been promoted for sale on web sites from $50 -$90!!!
It is also available in PDF for those of you who want a free version at:
The latest version is also available as a pod cast:
Ron Getty
SF Libertarian