Film on prosecution of Tommy Chong, screenings Feb. 4 and Feb. 11 (SF)

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I don't see the time and place of the film on this email. I would
like to see it.

My understanding is that Chong was busted merely for selling glass pipes!


  I think the info was in one of the "non-text portions" of the email that were removed by the list-serve. But in any case, here you go:

a/k/a Tommy Chong
Josh Gilbert
USA, 2005, 75 minutes

Roxie Cinema 2/04, 7pm (16th Street @Valencia/Guerrero)
Women's Building 2/11, 12pm (18th Street @Valencia/Guerrero)

  My understanding is also that Chong was prosecuted merely for selling glass pipes, though as the email points out, the *real* reason he was probably targeted is that he made films with Cheech Marin like "Up In Smoke" which dared to find humor in marijuana use and helped create and solidify cultural acceptance of the drug.

Yours in liberty,
        <<< starchild >>>

I don't see the time and place of the film on this email. I would
like to see it.

My understanding is that Chong was busted merely for selling glass pipes!


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No doubt that was the reason.