City Facts
Current budget: $5.3 billion
Allocation to Public Health alone: $1.1. billion
US Census estimated current SF population: 744,000
Amount City spends for every resident: $7,124
Per capita spending on public health alone: $1,478
Current headcount of City employees: 26,664
Ratio of SF City employees to residents: 1 to 28
San Jose ratio: 1 to 142
Indianapolis ratio: 1 to 198
Indianapolis 2006 Budget: $533.9 million
Current City payroll: $2.6 billion
Median City employee income: $76,713
($101,012 with benefits)
Median SF civilian per capita income: $39,929
(52% less than a City employee)
Pre- tech boom (1996) budget: $3.1 billion
Pre- tech boom City employee positions: 24,000
Pre- tech boom City payroll: $1.3 billion
Pre- tech boom population: 730,500
Pre- tech boom per capita City spending: $4,244
Sarosh D. Kumana
_www.sfrent.net_ (
Tel: 415-861-4554
Fax: 415-931-4004
Cell: 415-425-5184