William Rodriguez 9-11 survivor <http://www.rationalreview.com/content/477>
News with Views
by Deanna Spingola
"This past week I had the great pleasure of meeting William Rodriguez, a humble man from Puerto Rico who worked at the World Trade Center. .... William Rodriguez saved lives that day. Currently he is attempting to alert the public to what actually happened. He is a courageous witness to those terrible events. The controlled censored media doesn't really appear willing to report the real news but rather they promote whatever the propaganda ministry wants the masses to believe. It takes continuous courage to go against such opposition but that is the kind of man he is. He says that he owes it to his friends - those that were slaughtered for some covert political agenda. .... William spent hours testifying behind closed doors in front of the 9-11 Commission. His testimony as an eye witness does not appear in the 576 page report. .... The only agency that was immediately allowed to investigate the circumstances of the event was FEMA, the Federal Emergency Management Agency. The National Institute of Safety and Technology (NIST), an independent investigative group was also allowed to scrutinize the circumstances. He contacted them four times but never got a response. NIST was funded by the government which gives you a pretty good idea of just how subjective their findings were. .... William Rodriguez also contacted the FBI who never followed up. The media was not interested. CNN spent a day filming and interviewing him at his home but when it was shown the following day it was thoroughly edited. Some reporters have subtly warned Rodriguez to keep quiet as his words could jeopardize his life. They said "You do not know who you are dealing with!" " (09/02/05)
This is an incredible story. William Rodriguez certainly *sounds* like a credible witness. I'd love to see him speak in person. But his story leaves many frustratingly unanswered questions. If the first World Trade Center tower to collapse did so because of a bomb in the basement, not because of being hit by a jetliner, then was there also a basement bomb in the second tower which went off shortly before the second plane hit?
That seems pretty incredible -- that two separate bombs could have been so precisely coordinated with two planes hitting the two towers. And if the basement bombs were enough to bring down the towers, why even bother with the planes? There's that old rule about the simplest explanation that fits the facts being the correct one. It's hard to say what the facts are, but two basement bombs perfectly coordinated with two plane strikes doesn't seem like a simple explanation.
What do you think?
Yours in liberty,
<<< Starchild >>>
Dear Starchild and Mike and Everyone Else;
This lew rockwell article from June ' 05 has some critical remarks about the phony collapse of WTC North and South. It makes for very interesting reading. Having taken a few required civil engineering structural classes in college I have always been extremely suspicious about how the WTC collapsed and why WTC 7 was "pulled " in the parlance of building demolition..
Ron Getty
SF Libertarian
Starchild <sfdreamer@...> wrote:
This is an incredible story. William Rodriguez certainly *sounds* like
a credible witness. I'd love to see him speak in person. But his story
leaves many frustratingly unanswered questions. If the first World
Trade Center tower to collapse did so because of a bomb in the
basement, not because of being hit by a jetliner, then was there also a
basement bomb in the second tower which went off shortly before the
second plane hit?
That seems pretty incredible -- that two separate bombs could have
been so precisely coordinated with two planes hitting the two towers.
And if the basement bombs were enough to bring down the towers, why
even bother with the planes? There's that old rule about the simplest
explanation that fits the facts being the correct one. It's hard to say
what the facts are, but two basement bombs perfectly coordinated with
two plane strikes doesn't seem like a simple explanation.
What do you think?
Yours in liberty,
<<< Starchild >>>