Excellent piece against Prop. H in today's Chronicle

Cinnamon Stillwell, the author of the well-written op-ed opposing Proposition H, is aware of the LPSF's opposition to the gun ban, and mentions us among the measure's opponents. The online version of the story ( http://sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/gate/archive/2005/09/14/cstillwell.DTL ) even links to the PDF file of our newsletter.

Yours in liberty,
        <<< Starchild >>>

Dear Everyone;

This url link works better for the article the other one had the last end of the url drop off - as long as the end of THIS url doesn't drop off


Ron Getty
SF Libertarian

Starchild <sfdreamer@...> wrote:
      Cinnamon Stillwell, the author of the well-written op-ed opposing
Proposition H, is aware of the LPSF's opposition to the gun ban, and
mentions us among the measure's opponents. The online version of the
story (
cstillwell.DTL ) even links to the PDF file of our newsletter.

Yours in liberty,
                        <<< Starchild >>>

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