Event at Civil Society Institute Oct. 13th

Event at Civil Society Institute Oct. 13th: A Free-Market
Economist's Case Against the Iraq War, Bush, and Kerry-In
that Order by David Henderson

Speaker: David Henderson
Title: A Free-Market Economist's Case Against the Iraq War, Bush, and
Kerry- In that Order Date: Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Time: 7:45 - 9:15

Place: Brass Rail, Benson Memorial Center, Basement, Santa Clara

Flier available on the website:

Presented by The Civil Society Institute and the Political Science

Governments have a tendency to intervene. Just as domestic
interventions often lead to unintended negative consequences, so
too with foreign interventions. The Iraq War should never have been
fought and probably can't be won in a meaningful sense. The result
is likely to be further threats to our freedom by foreign terrorists
and by the U.S. government. The best strategy is the one suggested
by Vermont Senator Aiken during the height of the Vietnam War--declare
victory and get out. Both Bush and Kerry should renounce their
support for the Iraq occupation.