Endorsement requested

Misha, Sorry for taking so long to get back
to you on this. I have been a little under
the weather I finally brought it up with
the lpsf and they said I as a candidate
could do as I please. So , I heartily
endorse the event and wish success.

The libertarian party of San Francisco,
seperate form me as acandidate will take up
the issue at the October 14th meeting. Any
additional information you have about the
event , it's purpose etc. would be
appreciated. The general gestalt is to
readch out to groups on issues we agree on,
so I expect an endorrsement. I also thank
you for including us. I know you will take
a lot of heat for that.

I can not believe how I got slammed by Tim
Redmond of the Guardian. He set out to make
me llok nuts and succeeded. I sent him an
angry letter, he then asked if he could
publish it. after he edited for space
reasons . I agreed subject to my final
approval. When he sent me the final edit, I
did not like it and sent a replacement
letter. He published the original letter
anyway. He just wanted to make me look
klike a gun nut and he went back on his
word that he would not publish without my
approval. I hate dishonorable people. This
is the second time in my life I have been
backstabbed by irresponsible left leaning
journalists withan agenda, the last time
was the old examiner, but that cost me
business and nearly my life. Sometimes it's
hard to be a Bhuddist. I wish I believed in
hell, so people like Tim could rot in it.

Sorry Misha, Had to vent.

Thank you very much for including me with
your list of endorsers.

I am looking forward to the day when you
begin to explain to the left how they
empower the State and therefore empower the
forces of war abroad and police brutality
and murder at home. Krissie keeps talking
about how she supports an even larger
government. When has a large government
ever done anything but work for war and
riches for the connected. The left hads
destroyed all controls on the government
and created the evil monster that George
Bush just happens to be the temporay face
Philip Berg
Libertarian Candidate for Congress
Californiaa District 8
San Francisco

as usual apologies for the typos, tought to

--- In lpsf-
"Amarcy D.
Berry" <amarcyb@...>

Thank you,

Mike. I will
include as
many of these
groups on my
list as

I can.


--- In

Denny" <mike@>

> Very

good idea
give and get


those we
agree with on
issues even
if the
politics are


That's what
politics is
all about. I
say we