Eat Plants / list dynamics


You wrote:

I do still eat some dairy
products, so I could probably benefit from a trip to a facility where
such products are produced.

Since you control what you put in your mouth--the dairy doesn't force itself on you--you're capable of making the decision now: "No more dairy!!"

It's up to you. You can do it.

You instructed Ron:

complain to me about "kvetching" if you find it too unpleasant to
watch the videos -- if you can't stomach them, then you shouldn't be
able to stomach meat-eating either! One without the other is
dissociation and denial of reality,

Why does this not apply to you? Are you dissociating and denying reality?

Warm regards, Michael

Stop the brutal slaughter of Bok Choy!


  As is often the case, your logic is inarguable!

Love & Liberty,
        ((( starchild )))


So you're a vegan now?

Warm regards, Michael


  No, I'm just not arguing with your logic as expressed below.

      ((( starchild )))