Easy opportunity to outreach to San Franciscans

Here's something we can all easily do to increase libertarian outreach to San Franciscans and others -- create an account at SFGate.com (if you don't already have one) and post comments on stories that appear there. I recently discovered the site has a nice feature that lets you view your past comments and the stories you commented on. Others can click on your name and see the previous comments you've made as well.

  It's kind of like having a blog, only you don't have the same pressure to update it regularly, and having forums where you can respond to stories and debate with other responders makes it more like participating on an email list.

  You can view my comments on various Chronicle stories and participation in SFGate discussion threads here:


  This is a great opportunity to broaden our outreach, as well as potentially, if you are a regular reader of comments or become known as a regular poster, to identify and contact other freedom lovers.

Love & Liberty,
        ((( starchild )))