Denny for Mayor Signs

Dear All,

I'm going to have two different sizes of the signs made. The largest
could be (h) 4 X (w) 5 feet with the smaller ones being around (h) 16" X
(w) 20" or slightly larger. Will the big ones be too big for anyone?
Should I make the smaller ones larger or smaller? I seem to remember
that there were some size restrictions for some windows. Your comments
would be appreciated. I'd like to get these printed and out soon.


Michael F. Denny

Libertarian Candidate for San Francisco Mayor

Ph: (415) 986-7677 x123

Fax: (415) 986-4004


Also remember that if neither of the two mass-printed sizes works for someone,
and that person really, really, really wants an odd-sized sign, they can buy
several different size posters on the Cafe Shops store:

(Mike, I noticed that your new signs have your Chinese name, so if you can get
me the updated graphic, I'll update the Cafe Shops store.)

By the way, for those of us who would be the only ones to ever see a sign we
put in the window of our home, what about little animated GIF DennyForMayor
web banners? I'd put one on the sites I host, and I know others in the Party
have sites that get more hits than mine.

Is anybody a good graphic artist? If not, I suppose I could slap a banner GIF



  I'm glad you're making some really big ones. We need the visibility! The small ones could be a touch larger as far as I'm concerned, but perhaps others have different needs. Don't forget though, you can always trim the edges off a big sign to make it fit somewhere if necessary.

  Can you find out from the distribution company exactly what paperwork is involved? The dollar per sign cost for manufacture and posting sounded very reasonable -- the revised $7-plus figure much less so. It would be nice if they would take care of the bureaucratic end of things for a reasonable rate and let us handle the labor. Based on the $7 figure, I'm willing to beat whatever price they're offering to guarantee the signs get up.

Yours in liberty,
                <<< Starchild >>>

P.S. - I didn't "cc" the address <Andy@RedwoodTrust.Com> that you copied in your message, because I wasn't sure whether he might be someone with your sign contractor. 8)

Dear All,

I’m going to have two different sizes of the signs made. The largest could be (h) 4 X (w) 5 feet with the smaller ones being around (h) 16” X (w) 20” or slightly larger. Will the big ones be too big for anyone? Should I make the smaller ones larger or smaller? I seem to remember that there were some size restrictions for some windows. Your comments would be appreciated. I’d like to get these printed and out soon.


Michael F. Denny

Libertarian Candidate for San Francisco Mayor

Ph: (415) 986-7677 x123

Fax: (415) 986-4004
