We don't have a president, we have a chair. But if you never became a
U.S. citizen all this time you've been voting and running for office
since you came here from Brazil, that doesn't bother me at all.
I believe the founders of the United States had a valid point when
they demanded "No taxation without representation!" and I will stand
for the same principle. Until the U.S. government stops collecting
taxes from them, non-U.S. citizens residing in the United States
should have the right to vote in all public elections. Too bad
citizenship *isn't* by choice. If it were by choice instead of by law,
then denying non-citizens the right to vote would be less of a big deal.
If I take your words at their literal meaning -- that a person who is
a citizen by choice has the right to vote (even if he is not a citizen
*by law*) -- then we are in agreement. Unfortunately I don't think you
meant what you said.
Love & Liberty,
((( starchild )))