Catching up on email/Public housing initiative idea

I've had some email problems the past couple days and am catching up on a lot of mail. Amazing how fast the stuff piles up. Anyway, if anybody's been wondering, that's the reason I haven't weighed in on any of the latest discussions yet.

  I'll comment briefly here regarding the idea of an initiative to turn public housing over to the people who live in it -- I'm open to the idea, but also have some serious reservations. Here are a few potential positives and negatives:


Dear Starchild
  Good pro and con points about the housing issue.
  Ron Getty
  SF Libertarian

Starchild <sfdreamer@...> wrote:
        I've had some email problems the past couple days and am catching up
on a lot of mail. Amazing how fast the stuff piles up. Anyway, if
anybody's been wondering, that's the reason I haven't weighed in on any
of the latest discussions yet.

      I'll comment briefly here regarding the idea of an initiative to turn
public housing over to the people who live in it -- I'm open to the
idea, but also have some serious reservations. Here are a few potential
positives and negatives: