[CALibs] Re: [OutrightLibertarians] Re: [lpsf-discuss] "Sex Offenders" - Canaries in the coal mine

To all concerned on OutrightLibertarians and LPSF-Discuss (if my message
arrived at any other list than these two, someone forwarded it without my

I mistakenly said that Bruce Dovner said that the LP platform should say
that convicts released from prison should not be able to have guns. What
Bruce said was that the LP platform should not oppose laws that forbid
convicts released from prison from owning guns. His proposal to the
committee is attached.

I suppose there's a difference in there somewhere. :slight_smile:

To Bruce, I apologize for unintentionally mis-characterizing your position
on the issue. You and I clearly disagree on this issue, and perhaps my
disagreement led me to miss a nuance that seems to make a big difference to
you. I meant it only as an example of a recent parallel discussion, not as
a personal attack on you. I'm pretty sure my husband, parents, brother, and
a lot of other people close to me share your opinion, and maybe my story
would have been better told as, "I was discussing this with Kai the other
day," instead of "I was debating this with Bruce on the PlatCom this past
weekend." But I assure you that I didn't intend any offense than if I had
used any of these other people close to me as an example of a recent
parallel conversation. The real problem here was that someone forwarded it
without my permission to make it seem like a public attack when it wasn't.

And to whomever forwarded my message, please forward my clarification. And
then try not to do the cross-posting thing anymore.



noon8window.pdf (36 Bytes)


  I simply hit "reply-all" when responding to your message, so my response would not have gone to any lists which were not included in the header of the message you sent. I have no way of knowing whether anyone else forwarded your comments.

Love & Liberty,
        ((( starchild )))