[cal-libs] Suspect detained over 'extremist' bumper sticker

Dear All;

More fall out from the DHS defining what is and isn't a home grown terrorist. Don't Tread On Me bumper sticker makes you a police target.

Ron Getty - SF Libertarian
Hostis res Publica
Morte ai Tiranni
Dum Spiro, Pugno

This happened in Louisiana, a state headed by a right-wing extremist named Bobby Jindal. Jindal is a strong supporter of these policies and considered a front-runner for the 2012 GOP nomination. He's also bosom-buddies with seccessionist Texas governor Rick Perry and former DHS kommisar, Michael Cherthoff.

Shows again that the GOP hasn't learned anything....

ERIC wrote:

This happened in Louisiana, a state headed by a right-wing extremist
named Bobby Jindal. Jindal is a strong supporter of these policies
and considered a front-runner for the 2012 GOP nomination. He's also
bosom-buddies with seccessionist Texas governor Rick Perry and former
DHS kommisar, Michael Cherthoff.

This is the funniest thing I have ever read about Bobby, who was a
couple of years ahead of me at Brown U., not exactly known for producing
right-wing extremists. Bobby may be a political opportunist of the
worst stripe, but I don’t think his principles are strong enough for him
to be an extremist.


Since you know him personally, I'll take your word for it---but if the ascendant political climate in the GOP is towards the Far Right, an opportunist like Jindal would be the first to jump on the bandwagon whether he personally subscribes to their theories or not.

Not all political extremists are fanatics, a lot simply use extremist tactics to further their own desire for power. I've read that Karl Rove, for example, used to go to fund-raisers hosted by the religious right and preach Bush's commitments to 'traditional Christian values'. Personally, though, Rove is atheist and would laugh up his sleeve as the contributions rolled in.