Haha. Good one Phil. Takenaga wouldn't give me access to the LPC website
even when I was on the state party's Executive Committee. What makes you
think he'd give me access now?
Face it, Phil. The LP California has one goal nowadays -- electing
Republicans. That's why they're intentionally sandbagging the Libertarian
candidates. Until a whole bunch of REAL Libertarians show up at a state
party convention and vote to replace the socially conservative leadership,
there will be no change in this regard. And after the Visalia fiasco, where
the delegates voted overwhelmingly to endorse that Domestic Partnership
Initiative that the San Diego GOP created to derail marriage equality, I'm
not holding my breath for those real Libertarians to show up.
I won't speak for Francoise, who was kind enough to give me a ride to the
Visalia convention, but I'm certainly not going to drag my ass to another
GOP stronghold like Visalia for another LPC convention where the only
delegates who don't have to drive half a day to get there are social
conservatives. Remember -- that was supposedly the Northern California
convention, and it was 4-6 hours away from SF and Sacramento. How more
obviously could they have courted the conservative right? And then the
Southern California convention followed in Long Beach -- the only place
where a Dana Rohrabacher could be elected.
As far as I'm concerned, the LPC is lost in Tea-Tard-dom, and we should
concentrate our efforts in San Francisco until the LPC's conservative base
runs back to the GOP, taking their money with them. Only when the LPC is
broke and its current leaders have nothing to gain by controlling it, will
we be able to rebuild the state party with a true Libertarian message.