Bylaws amendment for voting by email

Marcy wrote off-list:

Regarding Christopher Schmidt's inquiry whether the LPSF ExCom
has authority to conduct business by e-mail as the LPSM has, I
say "yes." Or "yes" if it means helping to get Harland on the
November ballot. I was wondering if we LPSF ExCom could consider
standing at the ready as Christopher inquires?

We've done this before, and I'll go along with it again, but let's
go ahead and get it formalized at our next meeting with a Bylaws

I propose to add the following "Section 3. Resolutions Without
Meeting" to the end of the existing "Article V. Meetings":

    "Section 3. Resolutions Without Meeting

    "The Executive Committee may adopt resolutions on behalf of
    the LPSF by unanimous consent without meeting. The Chair shall
    present to every Officer a clear question identified as a
    resolution to be adopted without meeting. Such a resolution
    shall be considered adopted as soon as the Chair has received
    a vote in the affirmative from every Officer."

(See for the current version.)

This wording allows any means of communication to be used, but
does require the Chair to contact every Officer and for every
Officer to agree.

Can we get this amendment passed at our August 12 meeting?
