ASA member Clark Sullivan's account of the event:
I spoke and identified myself as being with the Libertarian Party of San Francisco and Americans for Safe Access, though this isn't mentioned in the brief linked article about the event. Among my comments, I suggested that people should take note of who is speaking against the Green Cross and remember at future hearings when those people are trying to get permits and so on themselves. That was when the Planning Dept. bureaucrat who was running the meeting became incensed and turned off my microphone, saying he wouldn't have people "inciting." 8) Eventually he turned it back on and let me finish after I said I wouldn't say anything further along those lines.
There was a large crowd, estimated at about 90 people, roughly half in favor of the Green Cross and half opposed, and the hearing lasted nearly four hours to accommodate all the speakers. According to Sullivan, "Another hearing is scheduled at City Hall, Room 400; August 17th at 9:00 AM," however I didn't hear that. August 17 is a Sunday, so I'm not sure his info is correct.
Yours in liberty,
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