This came across the Tea Party list. It's good to see that others are figuring out the Southern Democrat thing...war, big government, moral socialism, lies, racism, bigotry, cronyism...
From: John Bechtol <javlin@...>
To: "" <>
Sent: Saturday, March 2, 2013 7:07 AM
Subject: Re: [BAP2] Not a good sign ... 5 Nuclear Carriers in Norfolk at the Same TimeFrom the comments, it's good to see that somebody else sees this too:
"The Internet did its thing"???
There is a culture of fabrication on the right that is not an
"internet" thing. It's a traditional Southern Democrat (now doing
business as the Republican Party) thing: feeding outrageous lies into
the news cycle for political gain.
The people who did this knew exactly what the truth was, and
deliberately altered it so as to inflame the GOP's hyper-paranoid base.
Posted by
Mark Gisleson | February 25, 2013 4:47 PM