Badnarik for President: New National Ad Campaign

Dear Badnarik 2004 Supporter:
I wanted to take a moment to share with you some good news:
interest in Michael Badnarik continues to grow at a phenomenal rate.
We have received numerous emails and seen a multitude of posts to
the blog from people who are hearing about Badnarik for the first
and have decided to vote for him. Interestingly, we have been
witnessing a surge of support from former Bush and Kerry supporters.
Defecting from other parties and candidates is almost unheard of this
late in a campaign, yet it is occuring at an extraordinary rate due
the atmosphere of anger and polarization the Democrats and
Republicans have encouraged between their campaigns. Voters are
waking up to the game and realizing that their messages and
are hollow.
Today, thanks to your amazing contributions, we have announced and
previewed a new national advertisement that will begin airing shortly
across the nation in every state. There is a surge of interest
growing in
Badnarik and we anticipate an even larger growth when these ads air.
View them online to see just why they will cause an uproar of
in Badnarik.
Another note of good news is that we passed our goal of $53,200 on
Tuesday, nearly a week ahead of our deadline of Monday the 18th at
11:59PM. The current amount contributed for the ad buy is $61,307.
As promised, ever dollar that you contribute over the goal will go
toward buying even more national airtime, so make a contribution
For many of you, on Friday you will be taking home a paycheck. The
taxes you have paid on it will be going towards a government which
has grown beyond the confines of the Constitution. We are asking
that you take a very close look at those taxes, and consider making a
contribution to Michael Badnarik's campaign as a message that this
will no longer be tolerated. Please donate today and set the flames
liberty on fire.
You can view the new TV and radio ads OnLine at You can keep up to date with the
In liberty,
Stephen VanDyke
Web Team Coordinator
Paid for by Badnarik/Campagna 04
Redistributed by Aaron Biterman
Your support, good will, and generosity are greatly appreciated as
the campaign continues in its final stretch.