April 15 Tea Party

Hi Sally,

  I understand you are coordinating this event. Thanks for taking that
on! I believe I sent you a previous message through Meetup, but don't
know whether you received it. I'm the Outreach Director of the
Libertarian Party of San Francisco and a nationally known libertarian
activist. I would be interested in speaking at the event on behalf of
the Libertarian Party, as well as helping organize if you could use
assistance. I've run for local office four times, had numerous
arguments published in the SF voter handbook opposing tax increases
and other big government measures, and last year was a leader in the
campaign for Measure K to decriminalize prostitution. I look forward
to your response, and please feel free to call me -- phone is more
personal than email and it would be nice to talk with you directly.

Love & Liberty,
        ((( starchild )))
    (415) 621-7932 / (415) 368-8657