Hi All,
Here is the Agenda for Meeting of 3/12/05, cut and pasted below.
LPSF Agenda: March 12, 2005
Item Elapsed Time
Meeting Starts 3:00 pm
Welcome and Introductions / New Agenda Items
Treasurer: Michael Acree :05 3:05 pm
Secretary: Jawj Greenwald :05 3:10 pm
Open Item: Publishing the minutes electronically
Vice Chair: Phil Berg :05 3:15 pm
Open Item: Ballot Initiative (discussion under Old Business)
Chair: Marcy Berry :05 3:20 pm
Membership :05 3:25 pm
Development: Chris Maden
Database: Bryce Bigwood
Open Item: Progress report on accuracy of database
Membership Count: Michael Edelstein.
Open Item: What numbers mean in light of condition of database
Communications :05 3:30 pm
Action Report: Chris Maden
Mailings: Chris Maden
Open Item: Cost effectiveness of non-profit mailing permit
Website: Bryce Bigwood
Open Item: Updating website content. Remedying overlay.
Public Access Television: Mike Denny
Open Item: Updating time of shows on LPSF Website
Bylaws - Chris Maden :05 3:35 pm
Open Item: Language revision
Open Item: Establishment of public service auxiliary
Speakers' Bureau - Kelly Simpson, Director :05 3:40 pm
Outreach - Starchild, Director :05 3:45 pm
Social Event / Semi Annual Dinner
Announcements :05 3:50 pm
Old Business
LP CA Convention: Starchild :10 4:00 pm
Highlights of major decisions or major proposals.
Ballot Initiative: Phil Berg :15 4:15 pm
Time line; ensuring enough time for signature gathering
Decision on what the next step will be, given time constraints
Activism: Starchild :15 4:30 pm
New Business
War and Law League (www.warandlaw.homestead.com<http://www.warandlaw.homestead.com/>). This non- :05 4:35 pm
profit aims to end war by discrediting it. Their current project is to put
pressure on congressional representatives to start an inquiry on the
laws and treaties broken by the Afghan and Iraq wars. They want
ideas on how to get Barbara Boxer's attention.
NORM (National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws) :15 4:50 pm
Annual Conference: March 31 - April 2, 2005, Cathedral Hill Hotel
Decision whether to participate; and if so, lay down preliminary plans.
Gay Pride Festival: June 25 and 26 :10 5:00 pm
Decision whether to participate, and commitments to help.
Activist from Outright Libertarians to register on-line and obtain
sflpagenda031205.pdf (23.6 KB)