ACTION ITEM: Help Steve Kubby - LPC Gubernatorial Candidate Faces Extradition From Canada


Thanks for the correction. I'll address this it Jawj.

Jawj, please see the suggestion for the next meeting's Action Item.

Best, Michael

Hi Michael,

Jawj does not belong to this list. Also, as I recall, she sent out an
e-mail saying she had an activity planned for this meeting (something
about decorating and selling cookies). If you still want to
communicate your suggestion to her, please e-mail her at her personal
e-mail address.




Thanks for the correction. I'll address this it Jawj.

Jawj, please see the suggestion for the next meeting's Action Item.

Best, Michael

From: Starchild
Cc: Jawg Greenwald
Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2006 9:58 PM
Subject: Re: [lpsf-discuss] ACTION ITEM: Help Steve Kubby - LPC

Gubernatorial Candidate Faces Extradition From Canada


Wasn't it decided at the last meeting that Jawg is coordinating

those now? Calling in support of Steve *would* be a good action item
though, if anybody has a phone that allows calls to Canada. I tried
calling and realized I couldn't call those numbers without setting up
a special credit account on my phone.

Yours in liberty,
<<< starchild >>>

  If you're suggesting this as the action item for Saturday's

meeting, I think it's a great idea!

  Best, Michael
  From: Starchild
  To: Shane Cory ; Mike Dixon ; LPC County Officers ; California

Liberty ; Liberty Students ; Students of Liberty ; LPSF Discussion

  Sent: Monday, January 09, 2006 9:40 PM
  Subject: [lpsf-discuss] ACTION ITEM: Help Steve Kubby - LPC

Gubernatorial Candidate Faces Extradition From Canada

  From ... See also second article below by

Richard Cowan -- where is the LP?

  Yours in liberty,
  <<< starchild >>>

  by Michele Kubby

  I am not a lawyer, I am a Mother and a Wife who has been forced

to learn the ropes in the courtroom, in order to keep my husband
alive and my family safe. Unlike the government, I do not have deep
pockets and an army of lawyers to back me up. I am alone against two
governments and it looks like I am losing my battle to save my
husband's life.

  I must confess, I am very frightened about the very real

possibility that my entire family will be arrested this Friday and
Steve will be taken from us, deprived of his lifesaving medicine and
delivered in handcuffs to the US Federal Marshals.

  Even if I am successful today in court and can stop the Removal

Order, it is only a temporary fix and we still face a long uphill
battle to win our freedom.

  Faced with such overwhelming odds, I am forced to admit that I

cannot do this alone any longer. I need your help.

  Now, I can fight a fair fight, one with rules that everyone can

follow and let the best man win and all. BUT, I cannot fight a
battle of lies and legal deceptions.

  There is plenty of evidence in my husband's case to prove fraud,

perjury and obstruction of justice, by American police, prosecutors,
and even two judges. Just check out our website . Judge for
yourself, the extensive evidence of fraud and illegal acts by Placer
County officials, all in order to convict and discredit my husband
and the medical use of cannabis.

  Doesn't my husband deserve the opportunity to clear his name?

  Of course he does.

  Why must the Canadian government be in such a rush to send an

innocent man to his death, without even giving him a fair chance to
have his evidence heard in a fair and impartial court?

  For the reality is that on the one hand, the Canadian government

recognizes that my husband needs access to cannabis because it is a
last resort for him. According to doctors, nothing else will keep
his cancer at bay like cannabis. This recognition by the Canadian
government is enshrined in my husband's Health Canada exemption.

  But on the other hand, they wish to send him back to the United

States where there is zero tolerance for medical cannabis and take
away from him the only medicine that is keeping him alive.

  What kind of justice is that?

  At this point, after fighting in court for five years, I am

losing faith in the system and find myself wondering if we can ever
obtain justice in a courtroom. Considering the most recent threats
of imminent arrest and deportation to my family, I have come to the
sad conclusion that the only way to solve this legal nightmare is to
ask anyone who hears our story to call or fax letters on our behalf
to those Canadian Ministers who can and should fix this mess.

  There is an election in just two weeks and each of these

Ministers face tight election races Now is certainly the best time
to get the attention and cooperation of these Ministers.

  You can call the Ministers of Immigration, Justice, Homeland

Security and Health. Any of them, with a simple stroke of their pen,
can remove this Removal Order and keep us safe in Canada.

  This May, my family will have been in Canada for five years. In

that time no one in our family has broken any laws of Canada.
Please, we are just a family with a husband and a father who has
cancer. We cannot do this alone.

  Please help save Steve Kubby, a man who has worked all his life

for non-violent, legal changes in our cannabis laws and has worked
tirelessly to defend the rights of sick people who use cannabis

  Your phone call, e-mail or fax could save us. Your voice could

be the one that make the difference and saves our family!

  Joe Volpe , Minister of Immigration ,Voice : (613) 954-1064,

Fax: (613) 957-2688

  Ujjal Dosanjh , Minister of Health , Voice: (613) 995-7052, Fax:

(613) 995-2962

  Irwin Cotler , Minister of Justice , (613) 992-4621, Fax: (613)


  Anne McLellan , Minister of Public Safety , (613) 991-2924, Fax:

(613) 952-2240

  The Libertarian Party, Steve Kubby and The Need for Activism

  Posted June 9, 2005
  Analysis by Richard Cowan

  See It's The Stupidity, Stupid. How the Prohibitionist Ideology

Has Wrecked The Republican Party and Undermined Democracy Everywhere.
When Ideology Trumps Reality, The Result is Stupidity.

  As a Libertarian I have been very gratified by the impact of

libertarian ideas over the last few decades. Libertarian think-tanks
like the Cato Institute are very influential in "real world"
politics. One reason for this is that politicians who would never be
mistaken for intellectuals tend to treat them like intellectual
buffets, where they can pick the ideas they like and ignore the ones
that don't fit their preconceived notions.

  As the non-libertarian Lord Keynes once observed: "Practical

men, who believe themselves to be quite exempt from any intellectual
influences are usually the slaves of some defunct economist."

  Happily, they can also be influenced by non-defunct economists

like Milton Friedman, who has once again called for the legalization
of cannabis. Indeed, the libertarian intellectuals and think tanks
have never hidden their opposition to the drugwar, and they have
never suffered from it.

  Consequently, I have been very disappointed that the Libertarian

Party has not been more successful in presenting libertarian ideas to
the voters.

  It is true that the Republicans have stolen their thunder on

taxes and the Second Amendment (gun rights). Indeed, the
Republicans have become the NRA at prayer, but, sadly, the Democrats
are merely the ACLU at rest.

  Consequently, the Libertarian Party has been a victim of the

success of SOME of the libertarian ideas. However, it has missed a
major opportunity, because both the Democrats and Republicans have
been strong supporters of the drugwar – including the war on medical
cannabis, despite overwhelming public skepticism about the former and
support for the latter.

  Although the Libertarian Party platform has always made clear its

opposition to prohibition, it has largely failed to take advantage of
this opportunity created by the timidity and/or stupidity of the two
main parties.

  From October of 2000 ,
  At Least the Libertarians Are Noting the Record Marijuana Arrests

and Offer an Interesting Perspective. The Media Continue to be the
Watchdog that Never Barks.

  and from February of 2000
  see Libertarian Party Press Release Gives Data On Prison

Population As It Passes 2 Million.

  Nowhere has this failure been more tragically obvious than in its

failure to take the lead in supporting its own drugwar opponents who
were on the frontlines. The late Peter McWilliams' book, It Ain't
Nobody's Business If You Do , is a civil libertarian Bible, but when
Peter was held on $250,000 bail, where was the Party? Oh, of course,
they did issue a press release.

  See Libertarian Party Says Peter McWilliams Is Victim of Efforts

To Discredit Medical Marijuana

  And they invited him to speak at their convention. My point is

not that they did nothing, but that they did not do enough. There was
no national drive to free him. Here was a sympathetic victim of an
outrageous abuse of the Constitutional ban on "Excessive Bail" – in
addition to everything else, but Peter languished in jail for over a
month before he was finally freed by his mother having to pledge her
home to the Federal government. Then he was on his own.

  See A Plea From Peter McWilliams

  Peter died much sooner than he would have otherwise because of

his imprisonment.

  The Murder of Peter McWilliams -- An Indictment, Not an Obituary –

by Richard Cowan

  As I recall, the Party issued another press release.

  Similarly, the Party issued a number of press releases when Steve

Kubby was arrested.

  State and National Libertarian Party Organizations Denounce Arrest
  Of Medical Marijuana Activist Steve Kubby, Request Help For Legal

Defense Fund

  and links

  But when he was almost nominated to be the Party's Vice

Presidential candidate in 2000, the Party missed the chance to get
out front on the medical cannabis issue.

  Kubby Finishes Second in Close Race for Libertarian VP

Nomination. Convention Speakers and Nominees Make Clear Libertarians
Are The Anti-Prohibitionist Party. Special to MarijuanaNews

  In all fairness, the Party did do more for the Kubbys than for

McWilliams, but Steve was, after all, the Libertarian Party candidate
for governor in California. However, that was then; this is now.

  The Kubbys are in exile and it would appear "out of sight, out of

mind" is the rule of the day. The Party has largely ignored the
outrageous recent developments in their case. Basically, they have
proven that their arrest was the result of fraud on the court, and it
would appear that the court is in collusion with the prosecution and
even the Federal government to cover-up this fraud. That is about as
juicy as a scandal can get.

  This is an opportunity that should be welcomed by any political

party, especially one that needs to catch the public's attention as
badly as the libertarians. Its failure is glaringly obvious now that
the medical cannabis issue is in the headlines. And as Steve Kubby
himself has said, "If you want to be in the headlines, you need to be
on the frontlines." But the Libertarian Party is literally "missing
in action."

  Let's review the facts:
  Steve Kubby was a very effective Libertarian Party candidate for

governor of the most populous state. Indeed, he was targeted
precisely because he was the Party's candidate.

  Court cases may or may not succeed in advancing individual

rights, but they are an effective way to get media attention. They
are "real" – not just "theory," and that means news.

  The narks in Placer County, California, are in serious trouble

because of their behavior in other cases, so this is not "an isolated
case" – and it involves issues that go far beyond the medical
cannabis itself.

  Placer County: Still Crazy After All These Years. Kubby Hearings

Offer New Evidence California Law Enforcement Still Fighting Medical
Cannabis Law. Special Report to

  The medical cannabis issue is not only on the public agenda, it

is in the headlines, and there are far more cannabis users – indeed
far more medical cannabis users – than there are Libertarians.

  The public overwhelmingly supports medical cannabis and – at

least – the "decriminalization" of cannabis possession for "non-
medical" use.

  Leakin' `Bout My G-G-Generation. Leak of AARP Poll On Medical

Cannabis Assures Story Will Have Long Legs. Mainstreaming Real Threat
To Prohibitionist Party Line.

  The public is very skeptical about the drugwar, but neither of

the major parties will criticize it.

  "Putting the human face" on an issue is recognized as being one

of the most effective political tools.

  Understanding The Cultural War Against Medical Marijuana by Steve

& Michele Kubby

  The Kubby case "has it all." Steve needs cannabis to live. He and

his family have been forced into exile. He has a beautiful wife and
children. His arrest and prosecution involved major violations of due
process. He has a permit from Canada to grow a large amount of
cannabis. These are all things that the media would "eat up" – if
someone would get their attention.

  If Cannabis Could Cure Cancer, They Would Tell Us, Right? No.

Very Simply, It Would Undermine Cannabis Prohibition. Steve Kubby Is
The Living Proof.

  The Libertarian Party has sunk at the polls even as (many)

libertarian ideas have become more successful, so clearly the Party
needs an issue. In fact, it needs all the help it can get.

  Oh, yes, it is the right thing to do. There would seem to be a

moral obligation to stand up for its own, especially when they have
been targeted precisely because of their activism on behalf of the

  DEAland On Trial At Kubby Refugee Hearings. Damning Testimony

From A Patient, A Judge and Ed Rosenthal. Meanwhile, Congress Was
Busy Making It Even Worse. Special Report to

  Prosecutor Demands That Kubby Be Jailed to Die Without Medical

Marijuana; Judge Agrees, But Jailer Refuses to Commit Murder. Just
When You Thought They Couldn't Get Any Crazier…

  I hope that the Libertarian Party will not only be more

forthcoming in its support for the Kubbys, but will make their case
and medical cannabis a major issue for the Party and the libertarian
movement. In fact, this case could be the foundation on which
Libertarians could turn the Party into a true activist movement. If
they do not, they risk irrelevance and may even deserve it.






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