ACTION ITEM: Defend Apple Against the FBI's Attempts to Spy On Us (Emergency Rally TONIGHT - Apple Store, Market @Powell BART/Muni, 5:00pm)

Cross-posting this widely because it's very timely and important!

  The FBI wants to force Apple to provide a "backdoor" to let them access information off an Apple phone. This precedent would put everyone's privacy at risk, not just from the U.S. government, but from regimes like Russia's, China's, and others which would feel entitled to make similar demands and use the ability to seize information from people's devices to persecute dissidents and violate human rights.

  Come if you can, bring your umbrellas in case of rain!

Love & Liberty,
                               ((( starchild )))

I only saw a handful of protesters, probably the combination of the short notice and the inclement weather, but this action was well worth it as there was abundant press coverage.

  I brought a big sign that I made, "Thank You  – No Backdoor!", and as soon as I showed up with it on my bike, lots of media folks started taking pictures of me, among them Connor (forget his last name) from the SF Chronicle who recognized me from previous events. I did several brief interviews, with KGO radio, a guy from CNN (just a reporter taking notes, I'm not aware that they filmed me), and the Guardian (UK). The KGO reporter told me the segment would probably air tomorrow morning (this morning, now!) during drive-time.

  Another protester there named Alex had the good idea of bringing some small notes with various thank-you and pro-civil-liberty messages and taping them to the window of the Apple store. Going to have to remember that for future protests (Post-It notes would work nicely!). At least a couple Apple employees noticed us, and one seemed really appreciative of the sign. I did bring my megaphone, and used it a bit to spread the word to the crowds of folks on Market Street. Several passers-by thanked me or gave me thumbs-ups.

Love & Liberty,
                                ((( starchild )))